FICO is a household name for credit scores, but they needed a sales deck that would showcase their product offerings in the realm of AI-assisted, data-centric, automated “decisioning.”
Translating 130+ pages of technical jargon into a slick, easy-to-navigate deck of just 50 slides. It’s dirty work, but someone’s gotta do it.
Specific Challenge
This deck came with a steep learning curve. The short of it is FICO offers a suite that interprets data to center customers in automated decisions. This makes customers happier with the service they get and less prone to be snatched by a competitor.
This sales deck had to describe a complex product offering and its benefits in way everyone can understand.
“I can’t believe you made such a good looking deck out of what we gave you!”
We spent a seemingly disproportionate amount of time analyzing FICOs infographics to figure out if they were the clearest possible illustrations of these concepts. Being a visual person, I was particularly invested in cracking these, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to help communicate this system until I could draw a picture of it.
The resulting deck used refined infographics to clarify objectives at the beginning, before delving into technical specifics. And once we got into the nitty gritty, a clear navigation system was implemented to keep presenters and audiences oriented.